

The following are available: eye examination, visual field, perimetry, orthoptic assessment, OCT (ocular computed tomography), instrumental diagnostics, which are also paid for by the National Health System.

An interview with dr. Roberto Spolaore


Specialist visits
Xanthelasma / Calarium Removal
Field of view for license renewal
Normal field of view
Bulbar ultrasound
Cauterization of hair follicles
Eyelid neoformation removal
Fundus oculi
Computed Optical Tomography (OTC)

Visits calendar*

Lun 8.00 - 19.00
Mar 8.00 - 19.00
Mer 8.30 - 15.00
Gio 8.00 - 19.30
Ven 8.00 - 19.00

Other availability on request.

*Calendars may change

Medical team

Dott. Catania Francoloris
Dott. Fantin Anna
Dott. Gallia Sebastiano
Dott. Miglionico Giacomo
Dott. Spolaore Roberto
Dott. Vinciguerra Agatino

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Optical computed tomography (OCT) or optical coherence tomography, is a non-invasive diagnostic exam which allows obtaining scansions of the cornea and retina for the diagnosis and follow-up of numerous corneal and retinoic diseases, and for the preoperative diagnosis and postoperative follow-up of most eye diseases needing surgery. What is optical computed tomography (OCT)? It is […]