Radiology / Imaging diagnostics

Radiology / Imaging diagnostics

An interview with dr. Francesconi


Breast tomosynthesis

Visits calendar*

Lun 8.00 - 18.55 Mar 13.40 - 18.20 Mer 8.30 - 17.40 Gio 8.40 - 16.55 Ven 8.15 - 19.00 Sab 8.00 - 12.10

Other availability on request.

*Calendars may change

Medical team

Dott. Carubia Gioacchino
Dott.ssa Rusalen Angela
Dott. Spina Alberto
Dott. Andrea Francesconi
Dott. Achille Zincone

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Traditional Diagnostic Radiology

The new department of Diagnostic Radiology at Blue Medical Center has been open since the 1st of January 2020. The new apparatus Esaote DR M40-1A is very light, easy to work and of limited overall size. It offers quality imaging thanks to its high nominal power independently from the volume of the body being examined. […]